NWCC Relationship

Community Groups //

God said it is not good to live life alone (Genesis 2:18). God has intertwined our need for relationship within our nature. Your life is to be lived with others.

Get ready to embark on an incredible journey of connection, growth, and community as we usher in a new era! We are thrilled to announce a transformative change that will deepen our bonds and elevate our shared spiritual experience. 

promote// protect // prosper

Join a Community //

Joining a NWCC community is a great way to build relationships and stay connected.

Don’t forget to invite a friend!

What is a Community group?

You do not grow in Christ alone. Community Groups are a groups of church members (between 5 to 12 people) who meet at designated times and locations for the purpose of connection and discipleship.

Why Should I join a community group?

We are committed to “doing life together” because we find our greatest support and growth comes when we are connected. The most effective way to grow closer to God and to others is through community.

When do group’s meet?

Group meeting dates, times, and locations vary. Click the Join a Community button below to learn more.

host a group

Become a Community Host //

If the community ministry has been a blessing to you then join us and take the next step! Whether you are ready now or want to learn more about the role of a host.

Guides & manuals

Host Resources //


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