Pastor Keith Graham

Greetings, NWCC Family and Friends

We have concluded our series, Mission Minded. I want to continue to keep our NWCC mission on your mind this last quarter of the year, which is to connect the world to Jesus Christ through our ministry of reconciliation.

Our church mission is a huge responsibility given to us by God through Jesus Christ. When you are a mission-minded Christ follower, you go from going to church to becoming the church.

The church mission is fulfilled when Christ followers fulfill their ministry of reconciliation. Every Christ follower has been ordained for the ministry of reconciliation!

The ministry of reconciliation involves you sharing your witness and the gospel with the unsaved to reconcile them to Christ. An unsaved person is waiting on you to share your ministry with them.

I plead with you, on behalf of Christ, begin to be mission minded and fulfill your ministry of reconciliation!

Christ Strong,


Family Mission

Ministry Mission

Generational Blessings

Money Mission