Band of Brothers
Transforming men’s lives through discipleship
The Band of Brothers is a fraternal order of Christ followers who are connected in commUNITY through covenant relationship with one another to transform men’s lives through discipleship. Our focus is to encourage, empower, and equip men to reach their God-given potential and purpose to be fishers of men through the five stages of manhood so they can be the leaders God has called them to be.
What is the purpose of the Band of Brothers?
To encourage, empower, and equip men to reach their God-given potential and purpose.
How do I join the Band of Brothers?
All men who have joined NWCC, are automatically enjoined to the Band of Brothers ministry.

When We Meet
NWCC Band of Brothers
The Band of Brothers currently meet regularly on the first and third Saturdays of the month. On the first Saturday of the month, the men come together to pray and cover our commUNITY from 10-10:30 am via Zoom. On the third Saturday of the month, the men gather to study God’s word from 10-11 am via Zoom. Men can register for all events via the Church Center app or at nowword.churchcenter.com.
Questions? Email Brother John Mendoza at bandofbrothers@nowword.org

Promote Protect Prosper

“Our ministry is having tremendous impact. It’s critical for us to come together as men. I asked the brothers to pray for a friend that was having a hard time. We prayed for him and after I text him to let him know we had covered him in prayer. He shared with me that he had been close to killing himself until I reached out to check on him. He thanked me and the brothers for praying for him. He now wants to follow Christ. Who knows where he would be if we had not interceded for him.”
“Satan has done a masterful job of distracting us from the real issue. We are so focused on race that we have completely overlooked the heart of man. God’s word teaches us that the heart of man is “inherently evil”. What African Americans have witnessed and continue to witness is the evil of Satan’s arrows. Until we as Jesus followers (all followers) obey 2nd Chronicles 7:14 it will only get worse. Don’t get me wrong, I am angry but I will not fall into the trap.”

Iron Sharpens Iron